Islamic FOREX, Islamic FOREX Trading, Halal FOREX, Halal FOREX Trading, Halal Trading, Islamic Trading, Shariah Compliant Trading, FOREX Trading, Islamic Trading Courses, Shariah Compliant Islamic Trading Courses, Islamic Finance, Islam

Is Islamic Trading, Online Trading, Day Trading, Intra-Day Trading, FOREX Trading or CFD Trading Halal or Haram?

This question has been at the forefront of everyone’s thought for over a decade now. It is an old question, but a very relevant one.

Trading is not for everyone. If your Imaan is very Strong & your Taqwah level is very high, and you are able to avoid using all western financial services, and you are able to live a pure Islamic Lifestyle, with 100% Shari’ah-Compliancy in everything you do, then Trading is definitely not for you.

On the other hand, if you are a normal Muslim, struggling to maintain your Imaan the best you can, and your Taqwa level allows you to make some compromise on some issues, so that you can manage your life financially and provide the best for your family, then perhaps Trading can be Halal for you out of necessity.

Your own online research will only lead you to one conclusion – all forms of Trading is Haram. The respected UK Ulama’s and Scholars arguments are strict and correct. They apply the rules of Sarf (Money Exchange) & the Rules of Islamic Transaction correctly, and their opinions & conclusion must be respected.

Unfortunately, no other alternative viewpoint has been expressed, and no one is going to go public, against the majority view in fear of backlash & alienation in the Islamic UK community. You will only be found guilty of watering down the Deen.

But no debate should ever be one sided. Online debates & social media videos always talk about what is wrong with Trading, but never discuss what could be right or provide any solutions to make Trading Halal.

Veteran Muslim Traders have been seeking an answer in their favour for many years, but have been unable to find any reliable sources, until now!

This is where our consultants come in. Just like everyone else, we too have also been battling these key questions for over 10 years. We have heard the repeated arguments, and we agree there are issues, but where is the balance?

Our Consultants will present to you a balanced discussion, arguing in favour of both sides, Haram and Halal, so that you can get an impartial view.

However, we will end the arguments by presenting to you why we believe, Trading should be Halal. We don’t expect you to just accept our arguments. We will present evidence in the form Fatawah supporting our claims.

The beauty of our Deen, is that it allows difference of opinions (Iktitaaf).
Iktilaaf is a Mercy from Allah (SWT), because it allows us normal Muslims to choose between all of the opinions available.

After a meeting with one of our consultants, the path will be open for you to make a choice, based upon your own individual Imaan & Taqwa level.

If you wold like to have a Halal \ Haram discussion with us to clear your conscience & thoughts, and put your heart at peace, please book a Consultation Session with us, using one of the methods below.

Brief outline of the Key Halal \ Haram issues discussed

  • Islamic Accounts
  • Leverage.
  • Forms of Riba.
  • Two Transactions in one.
  • Spot Transactions.
  • Delayed Transactions (T+2).
  • CFD’s – Contract For Differences.
  • Ownership & Possession.
  • Hand to Hand Exchange.
  • Delivery.

Consultation Information:

  • The cost of the consultation is £99, but is fully refundable.
  • 100% Money Back is provided if you enrol into our Monthly or Intensive Islamic Trading Courses afterwards.
  • The consultation session is 2 to 4 Hours long.
  • Consultation is face-to-face – this is our preferred method as it is easier to talk and present evidence.
  • Consultation is also available ONLINE through TEAMS Video Link – this is ideal if you live outside UK or are unable to travel.

How to book a Consultation Session:

Book the Face-to-Face Consultation Session now through PayPal – the secure way to pay!
Please forward your PayPal Transaction ID to us using the form below, so that we may track your order.

Book an ONLINE Consultation Session now through PayPal – the secure way to pay!
Please forward your PayPal Transaction ID to us using the form below, so that we may track your order.

  • DM us through Social Media – TikTok or Instagram.
  • Please fill up the form below to:
    • Book a Consultation Session.
    • Make an enquiry.
    • Confirm your order – please provide your PayPal Transaction ID.