Learning to Trade is a life-skill, just like knowing how to drive, swim or ride a bicycle.
Learning Islamic Trading is a life-skill because it enables a person to make better and more informed decisions regarding their Financial Investments in their lives. Right now, Muslims are way behind when it comes to finance. Learning Islamic Trading can change all this.
Learning to Trade does not mean you have to Day-Trade the Financial Instruments & Assets. Day Trading is a full time career and can take many years to learn properly. An example of Day Trading would be Islamic FOREX Trading or Crypto Currency Trading.
So, how can Learning Islamic Trading benefit someone and why is it a life-skill? Learning Islamic Trading will give the brother or sister the technical ability to analyse Financial Product to determine whether the Value of a Financial Asset will rise or fall.
By knowing when the Price of a Financial Asset will rise, a person can decide to Buy that Financial Asset. Similarly, by knowing when the Price of a Financial Asset is about to fall, a person can decide to Sell their Financial Assets to Maximise Profits.
A good example of this would be Shares & Crypto Currencies. A Muslim brother or sister does NOT necessarily need to “Day-Trade” these Assets, but can instead physically Buy and Sell these Assets. Shares can be bought and owned physically when the price starts to rise. Similarly, Crypto Coins like BitCoin or Etherium Coins can be bought and owned when the price starts to rise.
Knowledge of Islamic Trading will allow a person to Sell their Shares and Crypto Coins when the Financial Market begins to turn, and the Prices of the assets start to fall. Selling at the highest price will maximise returns and profits.
This sort of technical analysis can only be done by someone who knows how to Trade. Technical Analysis teaches a person how to read & analyse financial Charts to determine whether the Value of a Financial Instrument will rise or fall.
Islamic Trading teaches Technical Analysis through Islamic Principles. Islamic Trading will remove Excessive Uncertainty and minimise Speculation while at the same time completely remove guessing.
In summary, learning Islamic Trading is a life-skill because managing your Finances and your Financial Investments is a life-long struggle. So stay ahead of the game, learn to manage your Finances.
Start your journey today for a better life tomorrow. Learn Islamic Financial Trading and lay the foundation for Financial Growth, Stability and Financial Expansion.
To get started, we recommend the Islamic Trading MONTHLY Classes.